It’s Time for Men to Step Up Their Fashion Game in the Board Room

If woke corporate culture is real, it’s time for men to step up their “fabulousness” as described by Dr. Ben Barry. His article was published in Harvard Business Review 4 years ago and the world has changed since then.

I’m not shy about showing up to a meeting in style. At Meliá Hotels & Resorts, the culture celebrated individuality. As an entrepreneur our success reinforced my confidence to ignore pressure to conform to a traditional male dress code. While working at Kognitiv Corporation, our acquirer, my unique style was applauded for which I’m thankful. It helps that my wife is my full time fashion advisor!

My experience suggests there is room for men’s fashion in the board room. When I stood up in a sky-blue suit at a Kognitiv AGM in a room of shareholders and in jest, introduced myself as the company fashion consultant, it received a lot of laughs. Stylish attire is a great conversation starter in almost any meeting and is well received when one wears it with confidence.

Dr. Barry suggests that when people have to mute themselves at work, organizations are missing out on evoking creative problem solving and authenticity. I couldn’t agree more. Men’s ability to express their style reflects a company’s culture. It’s time for men to step it up.